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Kindly download the document for more details
DIALOGUE ON THE RULE OF LAW AND JUSTICE SYSTEM IN TANZANIA TO BE HELD ON 04TH NOVEMBER, 2023 AT WAKILI HOUSE DAR ES SALAAM Dear Valued Member, Greetings from TLS. We are delighted to inform you that, the Kinondoni Chapter has organized a Dialogue on “The Rule of Law and Justice System in Tanzania. The discussion […]
TANGANYIKA LAW SOCIETY FEE NOTE FOR THE YEAR 2024 Dear Esteemed Member; Kindly find the attached Fee Note for the year 2024 below. You are politely requested to register with Wakili Database to generate control numbers for effecting the payments. Regards, Tanganyika Law Society Secretariat
CALL FOR COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE TANGANYIKA LAW SOCIETY ACT TLS has received the attached proposed amendment of the Tanganyika Law Society Act which is due for your comments. The proposed amendments intend to facilitate the supervision of Anti-Money Laundering, Counter Terrorist Financing, and Counter-Proliferation financing by regulatory authorities. TLS is among […]
Call for proposal to provide Consultancy Service to Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) for Conducting Staff Audit 1.0 Introduction The Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) is the Bar Association of Tanzania Mainland, founded in 1954 by an Act of Parliament – the Tanganyika Law Society Ordinance, Chapter 344. TLS was established with among other objectives to maintain […]
NOTICE OF THE PROFESSIONAL DIVERSITY SEMINARS AND CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN ARUSHA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in accordance with Section 19(2) (d) of the Tanganyika Law Society Act Cap 307 as amended in 2020, the Tanganyika Law Society will hold the Diversity Conference in Arusha on Friday, 6th October 2023 at Lush Garden […]
CALL FOR COMMENTS ON THE LEGAL SECTOR LAWS (MISC. AMENDMENTS) BILL, 2023 AND THE WRITTEN LAWS (MISC.AMENDMENTS) NO. 4 BILL, 2023 Dear Esteemed Member, Greetings from the Secretariat. TLS has received the attached proposed amendment of The Legal Sector Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2023, and The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) No. 4 Bill, 2023 for […]
A CALL FOR SPONSORSHIP: THE 2023 PROFESSIONAL DIVERSITY CONFERENCE Dear Esteemed member, We hope this email finds you well, Kindly find the attached document containing the information and Sponsorship Categories for the 2023 Professional Diversity Conference and Seminars to be held on Friday 06th October 2023 at Lush Garden Hotel in Arusha (located at Sakina […]
NOTICE OF THE 2023 DIVERSITY SEMINARS AND CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN ARUSHA FROM 2ND – 7TH OCTOBER, 2023 Dear Esteemed Member, Greetings from the Secretariat! Kindly be informed that the Tanganyika Law Society has organized the 2023 Diversity Seminars and Conference to be held at Lush Garden Hotel in Arusha (located at Sakina area – […]
CALL FOR COMMENTS ON SADC PROTOCOL ON TRADE IN SERVICES 2012 Greetings from the Secretariat. TLS has received the attached Protocol (SADC Protocol on Trade in Services 2012) which is due for your comments. Kindly send your comments to Ms. Vivian Swai through the e-mail address copying Mr Mackphason Buberwa through the email address […]
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