NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in accordance with Section 19(2) (d) of the Tanganyika Law Society Act Cap 307 as amended in 2020, the Tanganyika Law Society will hold the Diversity Conference in Arusha on Friday, 6th October 2023 at Lush Garden Hotel.
Professional Diversity Conference is aimed at bringing together a wide range of diverse professionals to share experiences and use the conference as an avenue for learning, networking, and business opportunities.
The Theme for this year’s Diversity Conference is “Diversity and Inclusion in Public – Private Partnership; Opportunities, Challenges, and Impact on Social and Economic Development”.
Who to attend the event:
- All TLS Members,
- Participants from Parliament,
- Judicial Service Officers,
- Governmental Officials,
- Like-minded organization,
- Paralegals,
- CSOs,
- Corporate secretaries,
- IT Officers, and
- Participants from the Public and Private Sectors
The Diversity Conference will attract four (4) CLE Points at the cost of TZS 160,000/- for physical participation and 75,000/- for virtual participation per participant. Payments must be made in advance through the Wakili database for TLS members via https://wakili.tls.or.tz/login and for Non- TLS members payment must be made via NMB Account no. 20110013927 – Tanganyika Law Society.
The Diversity Conference will be preceded by a series of Diversity CLE Seminars and a discussion forum at Lush Hotel from Monday, 2nd through to Thursday, 5th October, 2023. Attached to this email find the revised program of the said seminars for information.
We take this opportunity to call for Law Firms, Business Companies, and Public and Private institutions who are interested in sponsoring any of the events or exhibiting their products during the Conference to kindly contact Mr. Rashid Mbegele via 0779 626296 for Sponsorship and Exhibition arrangements.
Yours Sincerely,
Mariam Othman
Executive Director
Issued, on Behalf of the Governing Council and the Secretariat, at Dar es Salaam on 17th August, 2023.
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